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Cold feet in bed: causes, solutions and prevention

Since we have a candidate in the five team who is prone to cold feet, it was time to write an article about it! Especially in the evening in bed, cold feet are a common phenomenon that affects many people. This is not only uncomfortable for those affected, but can also disrupt good sleep and lead to a restless night. But what are the causes of cold feet in bed and what can be done about it? This article gets to the bottom of these questions and offers helpful tips and advice that we hope will shed some light on.

Causes of cold feet in bed

The causes can be very diverse. The simplest reason would certainly be that it is simply cold and that you may have been walking barefoot on the chilled floor. In the evening before going to bed, many of us are walking barefoot. But some reasons can also be deeper.

  1. Poor circulation : If the blood does not flow efficiently through the body, it can lead to cold feet. This can be caused by various factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, or certain medications.

  2. Hypothyroidism : The thyroid is a small organ in the throat that produces hormones that regulate metabolism. If the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, this can lead to various symptoms, including cold feet.

  3. Nerve damage : Cold feet in bed can also be caused by nerve damage. This can be caused by several conditions, such as diabetes, nerve inflammation or peripheral neuropathy, a condition in which the peripheral nerves that transmit signals between the brain and the rest of the body are damaged.

  4. Raynaud's Syndrome : This is a condition that causes certain parts of the body, usually the fingers and toes, to become cold and numb in response to cold or stress. If you notice that your feet get particularly cold in cold environments or in stressful situations, Raynaud's syndrome could be the cause.

  5. Chronic venous insufficiency : This is a condition where the veins in the legs struggle to pump blood back to the heart. This can cause blood to build up in the legs, which can lead to symptoms such as swollen ankles, pain and cold feet.

  1. Hormonal changes : Hormones play an important role in regulating body temperature. Changes in hormone levels, such as those that can occur during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, can lead to cold feet.

  2. Malnutrition : An inadequate or unbalanced diet can lead to deficiency symptoms that affect body temperature can be a reason. In particular, a lack of vitamin B12, iron or magnesium are the cause of the site.

What can you do about cold feet at night?

Now that you have an overview of the common causes, let's take a look at the path to chubby warm feet. Here are some effective methods:

  1. Wearing warm socks : One of the simplest and most effective methods is to wear warm socks. It is important to choose socks that are warm, but also breathable to avoid excessive sweating.

  2. Alternating baths : In alternating baths, the feet are alternately dipped in very warm and very cold water. This stimulates blood circulation and ensures very warm feet. If you would like to try a rollercoaster, check out the Instructions I wrote for you.

  3. Use of heating pads or hot water bottles : Another way to combat cold feet in bed is to use heating pads or hot water bottles. These can be placed on feet before bedtime to warm them up and promote blood circulation.

  4. Warm bath before bedtime : It may also help to take a warm bath before bed. The warm water helps to warm up the entire body and prepares it for a good night's sleep.

How to prevent cold feet?

Even better than somehow getting your feet warm again, once they are cold, it is not to let them get cold in the first place. Therefore, here are our tips for prevention:

Kalte Füße im Bett

  1. Regular exercise : This can help improve blood circulation and prevent cold feet.

  2. Balanced nutrition : It is important to ensure a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals, which also promote good blood circulation and thus heat in the foot.

  3. Warm clothes and socks : Especially in the colder months, wearing warm socks and clothing can help keep feet warm.

  4. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol : Both can affect blood flow and lead to cold feet.

  5. Regular breaks to warm up : If you sit or stand in cool rooms for a long time, take a short break regularly to move and get your circulation going.

  6. Hydration : Drinking enough water can improve blood circulation and help prevent cold feet.

  7. Stress Management : Stress can affect blood flow and lead to cold feet. Stress management techniques, such as yoga or meditation, can be helpful.


Cold feet in bed can be a real challenge, but with the right strategies and a little preventive care, they can be prevented. It is important to listen to your body's signals and see a doctor if necessary. With the right measures and a little preventive care, you can make sure you have warm and cozy feet every night.

We hope that these tips and advice will be helpful and help prevent cold feet in bed. Remember that each body is unique and what works for one may not work for the other. It's important to try different strategies and find out what works best for you.

We are also currently in the process of designing super warm winter slippers that are as stylish as our summer slides and Slides Are. Take a look in the Shop And subscribe to our newsletter if you want to know when they are coming.

Stay warm and cozy!

Your Pippo of five
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