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Colors - how they affect us

It's time to talk about Slides And speak the colors of the rainbow. Yeah, you read that right. If you sometimes feel uninspired, as soon as you open your wardrobe or look at your shoe rack and feel that nothing fits together, then you are in the right place. If you can sometimes even literally feel that this look is pulling you down, then you are twice as correct. Colors are a pretty big thing. Well, in this blog post, we delve into the fascinating world of color psychology and show you how the colors that surround us can actually affect our thinking, our feelings and our moods. Knowing that alone is pretty cool. It will be even cooler because we will show how you can use this effect for yourself to improve your well-being and to feel more confident and fulfilled every day.

Table of Contents

  1. A little excursion into color psychology
    • What is color psychology?
    • Why colors affect us
  2. How colors mind games play with us
    • What the individual gradations mean
    • Emotional reaction to different shades
  3. The science behind color psychology
    • Current research on colors and moods
    • How to measure the influence of shades
  4. How to use the psychology of colors for yourself
    • Application of color psychology in daily life
    • Tips and tricks to improve well-being through colors
    • Advantageous color combinations for clothes and shoes
  5. Conclusion

1. A little excursion into color psychology

In the world of color psychology, colors are more than just, yes, what actually is a color? Quite simply explained, colors are simply what our eyes see when the light hits an object and is reflected from it back to your eyes. Each color is created by a different wavelength of light, Harald Lesch would probably call this "electromagnetic spectrum". (Scary) Fun fact: Human eyes can only see a tiny part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, namely the so-called "visible light."

Regenbogenlicht fällt über offenes Auge

These frequencies range from 430 to 770 terahertz (THz). To make it clear what that means: If the entire spectrum from radio waves to gamma rays were a distance from New York to Los Angeles, then the piece we can see would be nothing more than the thickness of a hair. Pretty crazy, right? This means that there is so much more that remains hidden from us-we are virtually blind! But back to color psychology. Colors have the power to influence our thinking, our mood and even our behavior. Imagine this: a color could make the difference whether you are having a relaxing day or feeling like a Duracell rabbit on speed. Crazy, right?

So color psychology is like the cool, somewhat eccentric uncle of psychology. She examines how we react to different colors and how these reactions can affect us without us realizing it. Red, for example, can make our hearts beat faster, while blue soothes us. These reactions are deeply rooted in us and can greatly influence our decisions and behavior.

But why is this happening? Why does a shade have so much power over us? Well, some clever scientists believe that there are evolutionary reasons for this. Others believe that it is related to our personal experiences and our culture. The answer is probably a mixture of both. The fact is: colors influence us, and quite violently.

So yes, the next time you stand in front of your wardrobe and don't know what to wear, or when you try to choose the perfect color for your bedroom, think about color psychology. She can be the key to lifting your spirits, increasing your attention, or simply making you feel better. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into this colorful world and explore how you can use the power of colors to your advantage.

2. How colors mind games play with us

The meaning of the individual shades

The main colors red, blue, yellow and green, from which all combinations can be mixed, each have a basic meaning. This can vary in different cultures, so let's first look at Western culture:

  • Red : The color of passion, love and energy. It is striking, powerful, maybe even a little aggressive. It has an activating effect, which is why red tones are used for buttons in many online shops. There is even said to be a study that claims to have found that football players who play in red supposedly win more games.

  • Blue : Stands for calm, competence, security. It has a trust-building effect on us, which is why companies that operate a very business-oriented business such as Insurance often rely on shades of blue.

  • Yellow : Radiates optimism and joy. Warmth and security are often associated with yellow. As a color that is often chosen by children in their pictures to paint the sun (although the sun is actually a glistening white-please don't look directly into it to find out!), A bright yellow can lighten the mood on cloudy days. That's why we like to wear our five slides with yellow tones as slippers in winter.

  • Green : Green is the color of nature, freshness and renewal. It has a calming effect and can even help us think more creatively. Who would have thought that?

  • Black : Black is actually not a color, if you look closely at it, black is simply the absence of color. Let's let it be five degrees and treat it as a color in the sense of the article. Power, elegance and mystery are the characteristics of black. It can make us feel strong and independent, but it is also the color of grief.

Emotional reaction to different colors

Now that you know the basic meanings of colors, let's go one step further. Colors can cause strong emotional reactions.

Think of a beautiful sunset. The warm orange and pink in the sky can trigger a profound calm and satisfaction in you. Or imagine going into a room entirely in white. You could feel clean, clear and peaceful, maybe it even leaves a pure or sterile impression, like in a hospital.

In the following table we have built an overview in which we have broken down as many tones as possible. Important, depending on how you count, there are up to 16.8 million colors and different approaches to how they can be grouped. We have limited ourselves to the 20 common ones so as not to write on this article until the end of our days.

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color Meaning Influence on our well-being example
Red Love, anger, danger Stimulated, aroused Red roses symbolize love
blue Peace, confidence, cold Soothed, relaxed Blue sky stands for calm
green Nature, envy, money Soothed, refreshed Grasses and trees symbolize nature
yellow Joy, energy, caution Stimulates, makes you happy Yellow sun stands for joy
Orange Energy, warmth, ambition Stimulates, promotes communication Orange fruits symbolize health
Purple Luxury, mystery, spirituality Soothed, inspired Purple fabric stands for luxury
Pink Romance, kindness, femininity Soothed, relaxed Pink heart stands for love
black Power, elegance, death Allows focus, looks serious Black suit symbolizes formality
White Purity, innocence, emptiness Soothed, clarified White dove stands for peace
Degree Neutrality, professionalism, sadness Soothes, dampens mood Gray sky symbolizes sadness
Brown Earth, Stability, Comfort Calmed down, creates security Brown bear symbolizes power and stability
Gold Wealth, success, quality Motivated, brings shine Gold medal stands for success
silver Modern, Gloss, Sophistication Soothed, inspired Silver car symbolizes modernity
Light Blue Reassurance, kindness, trust Refreshed, relaxed Light blue sweater looks friendly
dark blue Depth, knowledge, power Calmed down, gives security Dark blue uniform symbolizes authority
As Freshness, tranquility, growth Refreshed, reassured Mint candy stands for freshness
Beige Neutrality, calm, efficiency Calmed down, ensures neutrality Beige clothing is unobtrusive
turquoise Creativity, balance, good communication Inspired, reassured Turquoise seas symbolize paradise
Burgundy Wealth, sophistication, ambition Strengthens, gives a sense of importance Burgundy wine symbolizes wealth
Magenta Creativity, Consciousness, Freedom Inspired, stimulates creativity Magenta flowers symbolize originality

As already indicated, our cultural and personal background have an impact on how we perceive colors. The list therefore serves as an overview for orientation and not as a written law.

The science behind color psychology

Current research on colors and moods

While the combination of color schemes and our emotions in the theory sounds fascinating, you may wonder if there is any scientific evidence to support it. In fact, the study of color psychology is a growing field, and there is a wealth of research that confirms the profound effects of color on us.

A study published in the journal "Building and Environment" found that the level of illumination and correlated color temperature of office light may have an impact on alertness, mood and performance in different cognitive areas1. The presumed reason for this: our brains have made associations between certain colors and certain temperatures in the course of evolution. It definitely makes sense to us when we think of the colors in winter and then in summer.

Junger Mann in Farbenfrohem Raum

Another study2, Studied the acute non-imaging (NIF) effects of daylight on momentary mood and the perception of emotions in healthy adults. The results show that in warm, cozy light, we tend to interpret faces we look at less anxiously. Or briefly, in warm light we seem more confident! In contrast, we can recognize feelings in our counterpart more quickly in cool, bright light. In poker, therefore, prefer to sit in the shade;)

How to measure the influence of shades

Quantifying the influence of colors on our moods and emotions is not easy, but there are methods to approach it. For example, questionnaires are used in which participants are supposed to evaluate their feelings about different colors on scales. Doesn't sound too difficult at first.

It becomes more complicated with physiological measurements, which use the heart rate or the skin conductivity to determine the physical reactions of a person to different colors. An increase in heart rate may suggest that a particular color causes excitement or stress, while a reduction in skin conductivity is an indication that a color has a calming effect. Enough, now to the practice.

How to use color psychology for yourself

Now, with a basic understanding of color psychology, we can talk about how to apply this fascinating science in our everyday lives. There are many areas where we can consciously use color to increase our wellbeing, improve our communication and live a generally more fulfilling life. A simple example in advance is the light sauna, in which warmth and various slow lights lead to super-deep relaxation. Let us know in the comments if you have tried this before.

Application of color psychology in daily life

Shades of color in room design: The colors we use in our home can have a huge impact on our mood and well-being. It is advisable to choose tones for walls, furniture and decorations that cause positive emotions. For example, if you want to create a quiet and relaxed space, light shades of blue might be a good choice. On the other hand, if you want a room full of energy and creativity, brighter colors like yellow or orange might be more suitable.

In our style: The hues we wear send messages to the people around us and can also influence our own mood and self-perception. Wear what you feel most comfortable in. In fact, the choice of your outfit can influence how confident and happy we feel. If you want to feel strong and independent, you could choose black or dark blue. If you want to feel cheerful and creative, try bright colors like yellow or magenta.

In our food: The colorations of the foods we eat can affect not only our palate, but also our mood. A colorful diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can help make us feel healthier and more energetic. Not only because of the colors. Artificially colored foods, we 'd better not start with that. Better, of course.

Tips and tricks to improve well-being through colors

If you're attracted to a certain color, there's probably a good reason for it. Your body and mind might tell you you need more of that nuance right now. Trust in your gut feeling and surround yourself with colors that give you pleasure

Mann bei Ebbe am Strand in farbenfrohem Sonnenuntergang

Experiment with different combinations: do not be shy to try different tones. You may be surprised what colors will help you feel completely different. Experimenting can help you redefine a deeper understanding of your personal relationship with different styles.

Use the power of color therapy: Color therapy is an alternative healing method that uses colors and light to promote physical and emotional health. By using color therapy, you can alleviate certain ailments and improve your overall well-being.

Advantageous color combinations for clothes and shoes

Choosing the right color combinations can enhance any solala look too great in addition to the cuts. In order to get a clue of what basic principles can be, we have summarized our thoughts for you here.

Complementary colors: Facing each other in the color wheel shown. Examples are blue and yellow or red and green. These colors complement each other and create a bold, eye-catching look.

Der Farbkreis

Analog colors: lying next to each other on the color wheel. Examples are red, orange and yellow or blue, purple and turquoise. In combination, they create a harmonious and pleasant appearance.

Monochrome colors: A monochrome color palette uses different tones, tints and shades of the same color spectrum. Earth tones are particularly suitable here. That usually looks quite stylish.

Color blocks: Color blocking refers to the use of contrasting blocks of colors in an outfit. This can be a bold and creative look that will definitely attract attention. An example would be the combination of bold red with dark blue. A little caution is required here, it happens very quickly that you are completely wrong.

Neutral with a splash of color: Neutral colors such as gray, beige, black and white can serve as a base for your outfit, while a bright piece (such as a scarf, a handbag or Comfortable Slides :) Give the look the special touch.


We make slippers, colorful slippers and you might ask yourself if we have all the knowledge here in the design of our Slides Studied and used very specifically. In short: we didn't. All of our designs are based on feeling and heart, the way I like them best. I wanted to create something that I like and I'm glad that others enjoy it too. In conclusion, I want to say, just dress how you feel most comfortable, feel in yourself and listen to your intuition. This is probably the greatest creative force. In fact, it is not the case that the color psychological rules were "invented" first, but they arise from an observation of what we feel in the presence of various color combinations.

How do you see that? Let us all know in the comments which colors are effective on you and maybe also which of our five color combinations you find best and which you would like. We look forward to reading from you!

1.Ru, T., de Kort, Y. D., Smolders, K., Chen, Q., & Zhou, G. (2019). Non-image forming effects of illuminance and correlated color temperature of office light on alert, mood, and performance across cognitive domains. Link to article

2. Li, Y., Ru, T., Chen, Q., Qian, L., Luo, X., & Zhou, G. (2021). Effects of illuminance and correlated color temperature of indoor light on emotion perception. Link to article

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