Fair Fashion Brand Fünve, Mitarbeiter halten Schild mit der Aufschrift " I made your shoes" im Rahmen des Fashion Revolution Day

Fair fashion is here to stay

Beyond fleeting trends and transient fast fashion, a world unfolds where fashion is produced in an ethical and sustainable way. A new understanding of style and responsibility is waiting to make its way into the mainstream.

What is Fair Fashion?

In short, fair fashion is fashion that cares about you and the planet. It refers to clothing made under conditions that are fair for both the environment and the people. Sounds good, right? But before we get too far ahead, let's dig a little deeper and see what exactly constitutes fair fashion.

The Dilemma: Fashion and Fairness

The fashion world has long been a field where style and ethics rarely intersected. "Fashion" was synonymous with constant change, with trends that come and go, and often with production aimed at keeping costs low and profits high. "Fair," on the other hand, was more of a foreign word, which found little entry into the glittering world of fashion.

For decades, fashion and ethics largely excluded each other. There was little room for discussions about fair working conditions, sustainable materials, or environmentally friendly production processes. The consequences of this ignorance: exploitation, environmental pollution, and a throwaway culture that burdens the planet. We don't like!

Fair Fashion: A Paradigm Shift

But times are changing and so is the awareness of the need for a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry. Fair fashion represents a paradigm shift, a bridge between fashion and fairness.

The movement goes far beyond choosing organic cotton or using recycled materials. It involves fair wages and decent working conditions, transparency in the supply chain, longevity of products, and responsibility for the environment. In short, fair fashion aims to make the fashion world a better place - for everyone!

A prominent actor driving this paradigm shift is the  Fashion Revolution Foundation, which particularly draws attention with its annual transparency campaign "WhoMadeMyClothes". As part of this campaign, companies all over the world provide a small personal insight into who the people are who manufacture the products locally.

The Criteria of Fair Fashion

Fair fashion goes beyond what the eye can see. It's not just about your new favorite T-shirt, but also about the story behind it.

Fair Fashion Brands say YES to:

  • Quality and longevity: Fair fashion relies on high-quality materials and careful processing, which ensure a long lifespan for the garments.
  • Local production: Many fair fashion brands produce locally or regionally, to keep transport routes short and support local communities.
  • Fair wages and working conditions: Fair fashion means that the people who make the clothing are paid fairly and work under safe, healthy conditions.
  • Environmentally friendly production: Fair fashion brands use environmentally friendly production methods, reduce their energy consumption, and use sustainable or recycled materials where possible.
  • Transparency: Fair fashion brands are transparent about their production processes and supply chains, making it easy for consumers to inform themselves and make conscious decisions.
  • Animal welfare: Many fair fashion brands commit to not using animal products, or only those obtained under humane conditions.
  • Support for the community: Fair fashion companies often contribute to the local community, whether by supporting local producers or through projects that benefit the local people.
  • Waste minimization: Many fair fashion brands adopt zero-waste strategies, for example by reusing offcuts or using recycled materials.
  • Investment in employee development: Fair fashion companies often invest in further training and development of their employees, to improve their quality of life.


Fair Fashion Brands say NO to:

  • Child labor and exploitation: In many cases, the cheap prices of fast fashion are the result of child labor, exploitation, and unfair working conditions.
  • Long working hours and short/no breaks: Workers in the fast fashion industry often work under extreme conditions, with very long working hours and insufficient breaks.
  • Use of toxic chemicals: Many fast fashion brands use toxic chemicals in their production processes, which are harmful to the workers and the environment.
  • Short-lived trends: Fast fashion focuses on short-lived trends and constantly produces new collections. This leads to overconsumption and a throwaway culture.
  • Cheap prices: The low prices of fast fashion are often an indicator that savings have been made elsewhere, be it in materials, working conditions, or environmental compatibility.
  • Lack of transparency: Fast fashion brands often lack transparency about their production processes and supply chains, making it difficult to make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Exploitation of animals: Many fast fashion companies use animal products, without regard for the welfare of the animals.
  • Exploitation of communities: Fast fashion companies often exploit the resources and labor of communities in low-wage countries, without giving back appropriately.
  • High waste: Fast fashion leads to high waste production, whether through excessive textile waste or clothing that is thrown away after a short time. Where the waste ends up is often untraceable.
  • Employee turnover: In the fast fashion industry, poor working conditions and a lack of investment in employee development are widespread.
  • Production in low-wage countries: Unfortunately, there are still many brands that have their clothing made in low-wage countries, where workers often work under inhumane conditions and are poorly paid. It's a sad truth, but we can do something about it. By choosing fair fashion, we can help end these unjust practices and create a fairer, more sustainable fashion world.

Fair Fashion: The Price of Justice

It's no secret that fair fashion is often a little more expensive than conventional fashion. The reason for this lies in the ethical and sustainable practices she supports. Imagine each garment is like a little work of art made by people who were fairly paid and respected. This also includes the costs for sustainable materials and environmentally friendly production processes. In short, at Fair Fashion, you pay for the real price of clothes, a price that takes into account the well-being of people and the planet.




A fashion statement for a better world

Dear all! Let's make fashion statements for a better world together. There's no need to choose between style and fairness. Because by now there are so many brands that combine both! At this point, we would like to briefly point out our brand "Fünve", under which we offer super comfortable vegan sandals. The shoes are all handcrafted in Portugal. And by partner companies that we know well, have carefully checked, and where we regularly visit. Here's a little taste of what our fair slippers look like. Feel free to visit our shop for fair vegan sandals!

Grüne Sandalen, vegan; Farben: Mint, Petrol, Weiß, Türkis; Marke Fünve, Modell Cucumber, Tragebild Closeup


Enjoy further exploring the wonderful Fair Fashion Universe! Let's celebrate our style in a way that also celebrates the planet!

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